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Bird Checklist

Birds of the Chicago region
Birds of concern in bold type

Download the list here. It's sized for use in the field. Print on paper or cardstock; cut or fold on dotted line.

Grassland, shrubland,

and perimeter habitats

Wetland, marsh, swamp

and waterside habitats

Woodland and

savanna habitats


__ American Goldfinch

__ American Kestrel

__ Barn Owl

__ Bell’s Vireo

__ Black-billed Cuckoo

__ Blue-winged Warbler

__ Bobolink

__ Brown Thrasher

__ Brown-headed CowbIrd

__ Chestnut-sided Warbler

__ Common Nighthawk

__ Common Yellowthroat

__ Dickcissel

__ Eastern Kingbird

__ Field Sparrow

__ Grasshopper Sparrow

__ Gray Catbird

__ Henslow’s Sparrow

__ Indigo Bunting

__ Loggerhead Shrike

__ Northern Bobwhite

__ Northern Harrier

__ Orchard Oriole

__ Prairie Warbler

__ Savannah Sparrow

__ Sedge Wren

__ Song Sparrow

__ Swainson’s Hawk

__ Upland Sandpiper

__ Vesper Sparrow

__ White-eyed Vireo

__ Yellow-breasted Chat

__ Acadian Flycatcher

__ American Redstart

__ American Woodcock

__ Black-and-white Warbler

__ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

__ Broad-winged Hawk

__ Carolina Wren

__ Cedar Waxwing

__ Cerulean Warbler

__ Chimney Swift

__ Chipping Sparrow

__ Cooper’s Hawk

__ Downy Woodpecker

__ Eastern Wood Peewee

__ Eastern Towhee

__ Eastern Whip-poor-will

__ Great-crested Flycatcher

__ Hairy Woodpecker

__ Hooded Warbler

__ Kentucky Warbler

__ Least Flycatcher

__ Louisiana Waterthrush

__ Northern Flicker

__ Ovenbird

__ Prothonotary Warbler

__ Red-bellied Woodpecker

__ Red-eyed Vireo

__ Red-headed Woodpecker

__ Red-shouldered Hawk

__ Red-tailed Hawk

__ Rose-breasted Grosbeak

__ Scarlet Tanager

__ Tufted Titmouse

__ Veery

__Warbling Vireo

__ White-breasted Nuthatch

__ Wood Thrush

__ Yellow-billed Cuckoo

__ Yellow-throated Vireo

__ American Bittern

__ American Coot

__ Baltimore Oriole

__ King Rail

__ Least Bittern

__ Little Blue Heron

__ Marsh Wren

__ Northern Rough-winged Swallow

__ Osprey

__ Peregrine Falcon

__ Pied-bill Grebe

__ Piping Plover

__ Red-winged Blackbird

__ Sora

__ Spotted Sandpiper

__ Swamp Sparrow

__ Tree Swallow

__ VIrginia Rail

__ Wilson’s Phalarope

__ Wilson’s Snipe

__ Wood duck

__ Yellow Warbler

__ Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

__ Yellow-headed Blackbird

__ American Golden-Plover

__ Bay-breasted Warbler

__ Black-and-white Warbler

__ Black-throated Green Warbler

__ Bonaparte’s Gull

__ Buff-breasted Sandpiper

__ Canada Warbler

__ Cape May Warbler

__ Chimney Swift

__ Common Goldeneye

__ Common Loon

__ Common Nighthawk

__ Connecticut Warbler

__ Golden-winged Warbler

__ Greater Scaup

__ Greater Yellowlegs

__ Horned Grebe

__ LeConte’s Sparrow

__ Lesser Scaup

__ Long-eared Owl

__ Long-tailed Duck

__ Mourning Warbler

__ Nashville Warbler

__ Nelson’s Sparrow

__ Northern Harrier

__ Olive-sided Flycatcher

__ Philadelphia Vireo

__ Purple Finch

__ Rough-legged Hawk

__ Rusty Blackbird

__ Short-billed Dowitcher

__ Short-eared Owl

__ Smith’s Longspur

__ Solitary Sandpiper

__ Veery

__ Yellow Rail

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